Nothing Much

Maybe you’ve noticed (or maybe you haven’t), but I have been posting more frequently.  I set a goal for myself to blog five days a week, and I’d been keeping up with it pretty good until today.  I try to write the post the day before it publishes, and yesterday I couldn’t come up with anything to write about that sounded even remotely interesting. I was bored by everything I started, so with great disappointment in myself, I figured it might be okay if I gave myself today off and posted on Friday AND Saturday instead. That was the plan.

Then this morning, while reading today’s page in the Awe-Manac by Jill Badonsky, I discovered this:

It’s National Nothing Day!

Holy smokes!  I was excited to observe it by Doing Nothing, and then I thought, “Gosh, I should blog about Nothing.” That’s what I’m doing, which probably goes against the whole spirit of Nothing Day, but so be it. A daily dose of fluff. And in honor of Nothing Day, here’s a quote from the late, great Douglas Adams:

For a moment, nothing happened.  Then, after a second or so, nothing continued to happen.

Go on with your Thursday. Do Nothing. Celebrate Nothing. Honor Nothing. Observe the practice of Nothing. Sometime tomorrow, you can give a little nod in the direction of newspaperman Harold Pullman Coffin who created this event in 1973, but not today, because we get to do Nothing.